Saturday, December 1, 2007

3 more rallies expected this month. Expect the FRU ready to rumble.

St0rmFury from posted this on the Malaysian forum "Back to Reality":

Well, the first one is not really a rally. It's a festival to celebrate Human Rights Day which is organized by the bar council every year. That will be on December 9 at Sogo. More details at

The second one should be interesting. To recap, the government is planning to amend the constitution (again) to allow Abdul Rashid (EC chairman) to serve one more year (presumably so he can clean out his closet and manipulate the next GE). The topic will be discussed on December 11 and BERSIH is planning a gathering at the parliament to protest.

The third one is even more interesting. As we all know, the toll is going to be increased (again) next year. Expect to see the Kesas demonstration all over again. Not much details on this one yet.

Expect Al-jazeera and BBC especially getting their lenses ready. How would the BN dictatorship and hypocritical spin-doctors utilise the police force and the FRU? Expect more international coverage. The Indians all around the world especially are getting pissed with the way Nazri beruk tell Tamil Nadu chief to fuck off and mind his own business. Certainly not a way to end Visit Malaysia Year 2007 graciously ain't it?

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